
Here and There (a summer instagram recap)

It's been rather quiet in this space here this summer and I am ok with that. We are still here, or rather here and there. The girls especially have been traveling a lot this summer. We have had the chance to spend time with cousins from Ohio and the two big girls spent four days up north hanging out with my mom and sister.

The girls picked black berries and painted pottery and went swimming and all in all made special memories that they will carry with them forever. 

We celebrated Maddie Goose turning Five! I'm not sure how that happened. We have played out side and set off fire works and eaten probably gallons of ice cream.

We have spent hours in the swimming pool and almost as many hours day dreaming about some up coming projects.

We have started shopping for school supplies (yes SCHOOL supplies in July). We have talked about some up coming transitions for our family. It seems like we have moved from one major transition to the next for a few years now. I am interested to see where the next few months take us. We are home now for the rest of the summer and are looking forward to some lazy days and family sleep overs.

Hope your summer has been full of warm days and cool lemonade.

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