
Things To Do When You Are Lacking Inspiration....

*make a list*
of things that inspire you. of why you are doing whatever it is in the first place. of things you love. of things to try. Of things you hate. of things to do. of things to do never do again

*roast a chicken*

*bake cookies*

*help some one*
help some one else with something THEY love. being around people who are filled with passion will often trigger your own

*copy something*
don’t rip any one off, but find something you like and build on it. re-write the ending to your favorite story. print out a favorite picture and embellish it. find a sewing project online and see if you can reproduce it. keep copying until it takes on a life of it’s own.(be sure to share the source of inspiration if you share the finished project online)

*take a walk*

*work on an unfinished project*
even if only for ten minutes. clearing away clutter physically (a “work in progress” craft project) and mentally (a half-finished story) makes room for new things.

*try something a new*
a new technique, a new writing perspective, a new recipe.

*get back to the basics*
what inspired you in the first place? did you start a blog because you wanted to share pictures of your kids with family? did you start sewing because you wanted to make yourself table napkins? it’s easy to lose track of original inspiration and intent. try to find that again.

*just create*
sit down, put pen to paper, brush to canvas, knitting needles to yarn and just create for 15 minutes. let your mind wander. don’t worry about finishing anything just create for the sake of creating.

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