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Lately I've Been:

Watching: Eureka. I only have a couple of episodes left and then I will have to find something else to watch. I will miss it.

Listening to: JJ Heller station on Pandora. LOVE her and the stuff it suggests along with her. I really need to get some of her CDs.

Reading: Jesus Calling

Lusting after: The Spring and Summer issues of Artful Blogging. And the new Susan Branch Book of Days.

Working on: Organizing all my photos, getting them onto Snapfish and Shutterfly. Getting prints ordered. Compiling books. All in all trying to be a bit better at documenting our lives so my children has something tangible to hold on to down the road.

Creating: Random little pieces of pretenses. Hair clips. Scrabble tiles. Washed necklaces (which I was very unhappy with)

Thinking about: Being filled with Christ. So often I feel like I am running on empty. It's only when I am truly filled with Christ that I can be the mother, the wife, the sister, the friend, the woman that I want to be.

What's going on with you all lately?

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