Update: Since I am already committing to wearing the same dress every day and posting pictures of it I figured I would jump on board with
Nester and taking the 31 day challange. So welcome to

My attempt to share with you a bit more about me, who I am, what makes me tick ect, as well as what I learn about myself this
Onetober. Day Two Day ThreeDay FiveDay Six Day SevenDay Eight Day Nine and TenDay Eleven Day One (Onetober and 31 Days in the Life of me)
As I have shared before I have been writing for and working with a local magazine the Clutch Guide. Jennifer is the gal behind it. She has such a heart to, not only produce a well done, meaningful local publication, but to make a difference in our area as well. One of the ways we are doing this is by sponsoring Onetober: One month, one dress, one cause. You can read more about it
here but the basic gist of it is that a group of women have each committed to wearing the same dress every day for the month of October to raise awareness for a local crisis pregnancy center and the services they offer.

So here I am in my dress on Day One. I choose my favorite dress to be honest. It's comfy, easily dressed up church, but I can throw on leggings and some ballet flat sneakers and wear it on Bear's field trip later this week.
I know a lot of the women participating are a bit nervous. I am as well, but not for expected reasons. I am all for wearing the same dress every day. I tend to have my few outfits that I wear over and over again any ways, at least now I have an excuse. Frankly what I am nervous about is taking and sharing pictures of myself daily. I am really uncomfortable with my weight currently. I have been trying to eat healthier and get down to healthier weight for my height and bone structure. I am NOT a disciplined person though so it has been a serious struggle for me. Maybe this will be the kick I need.
Since I'm being transparent I figured I would share a few pictures from the weekend.

Picking out a cupcake after a trip to the park.

Playing with bread dough while mama cleans.

Trying to see past the mess and be thankful for two healthy little girls who are playing well together.
I wish I could say it was a wonderful weekend. And in many, many ways it was. So beautifully imperfect. But to be honest the perfectionist in me get so overwhelmed at times, and then so sadly disappointed in myself when I lose sight of what matters.
Learning to have grace with myself and my circumstance.
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