"I love having a sister, Mama," she said. I know how exactly how she feels.
And the Winner is...
- java diva said...
- so adorable! Congrats. E-mailing you now!
So I swear I entered the correct numbers 1 - 128 into the system but when I copied this is what I pasted.
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Christmas Tag
****If you are looking for the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Scroll Down******
The Christmas Quiz
I am tagging
The Day's of the Davenports
The Christmas Quiz
- What is your one favorite dish to see on the table at Christmas dinner?
Crescentrolls - Do you have a Nativity scene or a creche? How many pieces does it have?
We have a nativity and it has 6 pieces so far. - What is your favorite Christmas movie?
White Christmas - If you and your family could spend this Christmas in another country, where would you go?
No where. I love spending Christmas with my family. Would love to see New York City in December some time though. - Does your grandmother usually knit you something for Christmas, or does she give you something different — say, a Wii?
Normally my grandparents sent money to my parents who picked out our gifts.
- Have you ever gone out of the house wearing a reindeer headband? What about a Santa hat?
Yes - Do you usually make or buy your Christmas gifts?
Both! - When do you set up your Christmas decorations? When do you take them down?
Thanksgiving weekend, New Years week. - What kind of activities does your church usually have at Christmas?
My VA church does a communion service my MD church does the Advent Wreath leading up to Christmas and a Candlelight Christmas Ever Service - Did you ever believe in Santa Claus as a child?
Nope but my little girl keeps asking when he is coming so I guess we are doing it now. - Which of the Gospels gives your favorite account of the Christmas story?
Luke. - Have you ever acted in a Christmas pageant? What part did you play?
Oh yeah. Ask me some stories some time. Like the year the wise men bowed down to the Christmas tree and the shepherds (read my 4 year old brother and his friends) got into a fight on stage. (As my brother would say *Who thought it was a good idea to give FOUR year olds shepherd staffs.) - Do you buy Christmas presents for your pets?
I My sister used to buy the family dog a sweater every Christmas. - What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Chili and Cinnamon Rolls on Christmas Eve. It is such a huge part of Abbott family culture. Even know that we are all grown up, most of us kids still fix that on Christmas Eve. The year my brother was in Iraq my mom sent him canned Chili and Little Debbi Cinnamon Buns. I love knowing whatever else happens, however far apart we are, Christmas Eve, we are all eating the same thing. :)
I am tagging
The Day's of the Davenports
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Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!
So I was to late to add my blog to the lists of giveaways for Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day. BUT I am still doing a giveaway just in case people stumble across this after I comment on their blogs. And also as a way to say thanks to all my amazing customers over at The Goose Beary Shop. So here is what I am offering.
A sweet little six inch Waldorf Doll. this Toddler doll is stuffed with clean cared wool. Her body, hands, and face are made from cotton interlock. Her hair is natural yarn and her skirt is 100% quilters cotton. To enter leave a comment here. I will close comments Friday the 17th and ship out Saturday the 18th. So she SHOULD make it to USA people by Christmas. :) Enjoy!
A sweet little six inch Waldorf Doll. this Toddler doll is stuffed with clean cared wool. Her body, hands, and face are made from cotton interlock. Her hair is natural yarn and her skirt is 100% quilters cotton. To enter leave a comment here. I will close comments Friday the 17th and ship out Saturday the 18th. So she SHOULD make it to USA people by Christmas. :) Enjoy!
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A week until Thanksgiving.
And I am thankful for now.
For right, here right now, in this moment and place.
Thankful for a beautiful house I didn't think was possible 11 months ago.
Thankful for aching arms from raking leaves.
Thankful that those leaf piles have been strewn back across the lawn by sturdy, happy, healthy little girls jumping in them.
Thankful for conversations with dear friends.
Thankful for the good, the bad, and the painful that has drawn my family closer still.
Thankful for hot tea, and warm clothes, and cold mornings.
Thankful for all my shortcoming and the reminder that I am oh so humane and in desperate need of a savior.
Thankful for a husband's whose grace and love have truly covered my multitude of sin.
Thankful for the chance to get to know a sibling on a new level as we once again share a home and our lives.
Thankful for restored friendship, healed hurts, and abounding grace.
Thankful that God is in it all. And begging, even pleading, for the presence of mind not to miss it. Lord, please don't let me miss it.
"God was here, and I almost missed it"
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Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale!
Sale will run from Black Friday (Day after Thanksgiving) to Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksgiving.
- 12 inch dolls will come with an extra outfit and a blanket.
- 8.5 inch dolls will come with an extra outfit and a blanket.
- 6 inch dolls will come with an extra skirt and a blanket.
- 4 inch Thumbelina Dolls will come with an extra skirt and fairy wings.
- Gnomes will come with a matching mini gnome ornament.
- Receiving blankets will come with a matching small gnome or small teething gnome.
- All orders over $50.00 ship for free!!!
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I have Four Beautiful dolls in my shop all looking for homes before Holiday. The 8.5 inch doll and the two 12 inch doll are free shipping and I am running some Black Friday sales. I am willing to reserve a doll if any one is interested so she can be purchased on Black Friday during the sale.
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I really didn't post much in October. My apologizes. It was a busy rather stressful month. There were so wonderful moments including attending the wedding of a good friend from high school. I was also able to go to my church's ladies retreat. And my sister came to visit. It was a good month but also a stressful one. A lot of dealing with the broken. Broken car, broken microwave, broken computer, broken sewing machine, broken people. But God is so good. In all of this He has blessed me with a peace and a knowledge that not matter what He cares for me. His provision is so above and beyond what I could imagine.
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My favorite doll yet.
Sorry for the random picture placement. I couldn't get the blog working correctly today. But I had to share this beautiful little gal. She is just 8.5 inches and I am so in love with her. She's in my etsy shop.
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A Prayer
It's been quite a week. Feeling a little worn and weary. Not a whole lot to share. So, I will share this, one of my Mother's favorite prayers.
Watch, O Lord,
those who wake or watch or weep tonight,
and give your angels and saints charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones,
O Lord Christ.
Rest your weary ones,
bless your dying ones,
soothe your suffering ones,
shield your joyous ones,
and all for your love's sake.
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A Season of Questions.
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
Rainer Maria Rilke ‘Letters to a Young Poet’ (1934)
The wind out side the window makes the trees shake so their leaves and acorns fall so abundantly is nearly sounds like rain. I smile and sigh and resolve to live and love this season of my adventure, questions and all.
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Cinnamon Puffs
I love breakfast for dinner. It is one of my favorite things. Possibly becuase I have this mild obsession with serving both sweet and savor at the same meal/ in the same dish. Just ask my husband about the Pineapple Summer of '08. But I think it's more than that. In the cooler months I love the hearty, soothing comfort of it. The smells of egg, and breakfast meat, and bread foods cook and baking. It doesn't matter of it's breakfast casserole or bacon and eggs, breakfast for dinner feeds my soul.
In my mind breakfast isn't really completely unless it includes some type of bread product. Some times we just do toast, other times we get a little more creative and do pancake, chocolate/coconut waffles, or (Closer to Christmas) S'more waffles. But my truly favorite of all breakfast food items is the Cinnamon Puff. I recently saw an episode of Food Network's show The Best Thing I Ever Ate, where they described a food item very similar. However we have been making Cinnamon Puffs in my family since I was a little girl, so I am pretty sure this is not a knock off recipe.
Cinnamon Puffs
½ cup shortening
½ cup sugar
1 egg
1 ½ cup flour
1 ½ teasp. baking powder
½ teasp salt
¼ teasp. nutmeg
½ cup milk
(Optional add ins: Almond extract, cinnamon, cloves)
Cream sugar and egg. Stir in dry ingredients alternately w/milk. Put in greased muffin pans. Bake 350 degrees 20-25 minutes
1 ½ cup sugar
1 teasp. cinnamon
½ cup melted butter
Dip muffin in melted butter and roll in cinnamon sugar mixture.
** I personally like my muffins baked till they are just cooked, becuase of this the bottoms do not come out very brown. That being said I prefer to brush my muffins with butter rather than dip them. I find if I dip they become to saturated and start falling a part.
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Thumbelina Doll
Ok so this is what I have done the past two days while I should have been cleaning. She is a 4 inch Thumbelina doll. Isn't she precious? Not sure what I love more her hair or the itty bitty tights!
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New Giveaway Winner
Ok so I still can't figure out how to get that number generator thing to post right. But I had to re-draw since our last winner never got back to me. New winner is ....
- Deb said...
- Congratulations on doing so well! Deb I will be e-mailing you. You have two days to respond.
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Itty Bitty Pocket Gnomies
Autumn is most definitely here! And to celebrate these sweet little Pocket Gnomies came to visit.
The girls were sick this morning so we didn't make it to church. So while we sat at home resting up I worked on these amazing little cuties. They are all now in my etsy shop. I think they are so sweet!
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And the winner is!!!!!
- KJ Dollylove said...
- Awesome! Well done you, gorgeous creations :) KJ I will e-mail you with the gift card code. If you have two days to respond to the e-mail and let me know you got it. If I don't hear from you I will pick another winner. For those of you who didn't win I am offering free shipping. Just send me an e-mail if you want the code.
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Yay for Fall.
*Scroll down for a chance to win a $15.00 gift certificate to my etsy shop. Comments close Thursday night.*
This is the view out of my back basement window this morning. Fall really is here in full force and I couldn't be happier! It's been pretty warm around here still, but today the high is 60 degrees and I fully intend to enjoy the use of my over sized sweater. An amazing purchase from Kohls using Kohls' cash from my Mama. Today is Wednsday and one of my MIL's days off. She is taking the kids so I can do some running around and catch up with a friend. Huge kids consignment sale; a trip to Barnes and Nobles with a friend for coffee and book browsing; a trip to the fabric store; church; home for a big bowl of soup and Top Chef Just Desserts, It's gonna be a great day!
This is the view out of my back basement window this morning. Fall really is here in full force and I couldn't be happier! It's been pretty warm around here still, but today the high is 60 degrees and I fully intend to enjoy the use of my over sized sweater. An amazing purchase from Kohls using Kohls' cash from my Mama. Today is Wednsday and one of my MIL's days off. She is taking the kids so I can do some running around and catch up with a friend. Huge kids consignment sale; a trip to Barnes and Nobles with a friend for coffee and book browsing; a trip to the fabric store; church; home for a big bowl of soup and Top Chef Just Desserts, It's gonna be a great day!
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Give Away!
So we are a good bit over 100 posts here. I have 45 followers on the blog, 50 shop hearts over at my etsy , and 76 followers on my faceboook page. So we are way, way over due for a give away! So here is what I am offering. $15.00 dollars off any purchase from my shop, including custom orders, Waldorf dolls, ect.
*To enter leave a comment on the BLOG post. (If you are viewing post on my facebook make sure you comment on the actual blog.)
*I will leave comments open until Thursday, September 30th. And will pick a winner Friday, October 1st by random number generator.
*The recipient will have until December 31st, 2010 to use the gift card for RTG items and will have until October 31st to use it toward a RTG order.
Good luck!
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Autumn Equinox
Is if the first day of fall. Yay! Fall is by far one of my favorite seasons. I love the smells, the sights, the sounds, the tastes. It's just perfect in my opinion. We have an amazing weekend planned to celebrate. Including dinner with dear friends, a Saturday morning date with my hubby at the market, and a Saturday evening at a local farm with the kids.What special autumn plans do you all have?
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Little Moments
I haven't been on here much lately. I wish I could say it's becuase I have been ridiculously busy! I have so many projects on my to do list. For Christmas, for the shop, for wedding gifts, for myself. Unfortunately very little sewing has been going on. In fact, very little anything has been going on. I haven't been feeling well since February. Recently I have been so exhausted all the time that very little is getting done. But I called the Doctor today and hopefully I will have some answers soon.
On a much happier note I have had a few good days the past few weeks and have gotten out side to enjoy the weather with my family.
The first fall trip to The Community Market on Saturday. Abi loved all the puppy dogs, and I loved the crepes!
A walk on Labor day including a stop at the Cancer Awareness garden. Got to see the bell Mom Niehaus rung in July to celebrate her last day of treatment.
A visit to the park with some dear friends on Wed. Even managed to join the kids on the equipment. And I fit down the slide! One good things with this unknown stuff is the weight loss! Always a silver lining. Here's hoping for some energy to enjoy the weekend! Happy Friday!
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Acorn Babies!
So I have spent the past few weeks perfect my Acorn Baby pattern. I think I finally have it. Just to give you an idea on size, the smaller one is wearing an actually acorn cap!!
I've also been working on some more gnomes and some new Floppy Dolls for the shop. Here's a sneak peek of fabric you can expect to see dollies dressed in soon.
Can you tell I am ready for fall? I think the corduroy is going to make some amazing dolls!
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Camera Fixed
So I finally have my camera fixed and it's been raining none stop which makes it VERY hard to take good pictures. I was able to get a few pictures of some Waldorf inspired dolls I re-worked.
This is Taffy after she has been re-worked and given a new tunic. Love her now! Can't wait till the sun comes out. I have itty-bitty gnomes to show you as well as a couple acorn babies!
This is Taffy after she has been re-worked and given a new tunic. Love her now! Can't wait till the sun comes out. I have itty-bitty gnomes to show you as well as a couple acorn babies!
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Handmade It Is.
So I have decided what I am going to do for the give away. It will be hand made. I have the idea rolling around in my head, now just to bring it to fruition and get my camera working so I can take pictures of it when it's done.
On another note I am thinking about closing my etsy shop. I LOVE creating. It love making things and bringing other people joy through hand made items. But I worry that I am spending more money than I am making at it. I want to keep pursuing it, but I'm afraid it's just not worth that time, effort, and cost. This is what is rolling around my head this Sunday evening.
On another note I am thinking about closing my etsy shop. I LOVE creating. It love making things and bringing other people joy through hand made items. But I worry that I am spending more money than I am making at it. I want to keep pursuing it, but I'm afraid it's just not worth that time, effort, and cost. This is what is rolling around my head this Sunday evening.
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Give Away?
So my camera cord was left at the beach house. Thankfully my parents have it, but it does mean no photos until I get it back. On the upside I am considering doing a give away since I reached my 100th post. (This is actually post 106.) I am debating between a hand made item or Jane Brocket's book The Gentle Art of Domesticity. What do you all think? Which would you be more interested in?
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(Picture courtesy of Sarah Abbott Photography.)
I understand her need to dance in the water. I have been so full of joy all weekend that I wish we could back, just so I could join her in a jubilant dance in the waves.
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Loving Neapolitan Candy and Etsy
Ok so I am doing lost of Christmas/Bear's birthday planning. Which means there is lots of talk of baby dolls, Fancy Nancy, Madeline Books, and quilts going on around our house. While searching for inspiration I found some fabric I fell in love with. Unfortunately I couldn't afford it. But since it reminded me of Neapolitan coconut candy so I searched Etsy for some inspiration. Enjoy. But warning, it may make you hungry!

If you want to see more check out my treasury.
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Today I didn't give in. When I wanted to light the apple candles, I lit the beach ones instead. When I wanted to make a heavy, rich egg dish in the crock pot, I made a cold pasta salad instead. When I wanted to turn on the AC and plan for Christmas, I opened the windows and got hot and sticky cleaning. When I wanted to give in and focus more on tomorrow than today, I didn't. And so I was able to capture and enjoy a few moments of summer.
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